
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Halloween Dragon Rider Continued

I have installed a music wind up mechanism inside the box it play's "Funeral March of a Marionette" click on the player to hear it.
Here is the finished project, keeping scrolling for more detail photo's.
A picture of the wind up and other details on the box. This clay work was done with Apoxy Sculpt.
the face in the tree
 a side view
 a good close up

I will leave it in separate pieces for easy shipping. It isn't necessary to glue the pieces unless it will be moved around a lot, as the all fit fairly snug.
And so there you have it and if you have any questions please email me here .

Halloween Dragon Rider

I see my last post was about a year ago, time flies when your busy!! Well it's time to get back to posting hopefully on a weekly bases at least if not more as I have lot's of projects to share.

Here is the start of the dragon, first tin foil and tape and then a layer of air dry clay. The box I already had covered from another project I was going to use it for but didn't.
Here is the dragon being covered with black polymer clay.

These two photo's show how the rider came to be. Also you can see the wind up mechanism next to it.
Next post the finished item.